
My Favorite Day

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

-Coco Chanel

Today is my Favorite Day.

Let me explain.

I can’t remember exactly how it started, but about 10 years ago, I declared June 12th my Favorite Day. I celebrate it every year as if it’s a bigger holiday than my birthday. Favorite Day is literally just something that I made up and got all my friends to celebrate like it was as real as Christmas. Honestly, I think I just had a mildly good day on June 12th about 10 years ago, and now it has evolved into something I take very seriously. My Favorite Day is the one day of the year that I get to do whatever I want, be exactly the way I really am, and be completely unapologetic about it. Today I get to let my freak flag fly as high as possible and hold no regard for people’s expectations of me or reactions to me. It doesn’t mean I am rude or disrespectful, it just means that I do what I want when I want.

So not that different from every other day.

If you ask any of my friends about it, they will all know about my Favorite Day and probably be wondering how we are going to celebrate this year. I usually plan every second of the day and have a big party on June 12th, but this year I am just going to play it by ear. However, I do know that there will be excess amounts of Mexican food and Matchbox Twenty in my near future. I really wish everyone would have a Favorite Day to celebrate, but for some reason it hasn’t caught on yet. Maybe people are embarrassed to make up a holiday all about themselves and ask people to care about it? I don’t get it.

Okay, so basically it’s a holiday that I made up to get a lot of attention.

Sorry I’m not sorry.

4 thoughts on “My Favorite Day

  1. i’m now trying to figure out what day i should celebrate as my favorite day….love this….can’t believe i didn’t think of this 🙂

  2. It’s an excuse to celebrate, I love it! When Eric took it as seriously as you and I do, I knew he was a winner 🙂

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