
2 Years Later…

Dearest readers and random people who accidentally ended up on my site after searching “men getting cold,” Welp, this is awkward. It’s been 2 years and I didn’t call. I didn’t write. Trust me, it wasn’t you, it was me. Just kidding. Of course it was you. You betches are judgey. But now I’m back,… Read More 2 Years Later…



It occurred to me that I should probably explain the title of my blog. The saying “men don’t get cold” came from my father. It’s my favorite story because not only does it describe my father perfectly, but it also explains some of my crazy. I was a little girl and the whole family was out… Read More Brrrrrr


That Itches

Sometimes having 3 pets means I’m the luckiest girl in the world because I always have 3 furry bodies excited to see me when I get home. Sometimes it means getting fleas.  


Sure, I Can Handle That.

A year ago, I was living in my parent’s basement. I hadn’t graduated college, I was single, jobless, and wearing stretchy pants. Today, I am engaged, I have a college degree, I’m living in my own house, I have 3 pets, I’m working full time at an awesome company, and I’m wearing skinny jeans. Wait,… Read More Sure, I Can Handle That.